Welcome to 吃瓜不打烊.
To contact a district administrator, find聽a district office, or reach a school聽please聽click on聽the appropriate link to the right for the address, phone number and email.
In addition, the 吃瓜不打烊 administrative offices and switchboard can be reached at:
2100 Fleur Drive
Des Moines, IA 50321
Social Media
吃瓜不打烊 can also be connected with on several social media sites, including:
Mobile App
吃瓜不打烊 is also available on Apple iPhones and iPads as well as Android smart phones. To download the 吃瓜不打烊 app go to the App Store or Google Play and search “吃瓜不打烊.”
NOTE:聽Individuals who write or email聽the school district should be aware that their correspondence聽may be subject to examination and copying by others pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 22 of the Code of Iowa.