Welcome to the ³Ô¹Ï²»´òìÈ Virtual Backpack
We are pleased to welcome you to the virtual backpack for ³Ô¹Ï²»´òìÈ,  our central hub for information about school and community events and information of interest to staff, students and their families.
This new system aligns with our commitment to be environmentally friendly and energy efficient by reducing the volume of printed materials sent home with students.
Non-profit organizations and other entities who support our schools are encouraged to submit events, announcements, brochures and flyers. From camps to sports leagues to family services, the ³Ô¹Ï²»´òìÈ Virtual Backpack is here to serve as a link between community partners and our students and families.
NOTE: Brochures and flyers posted in the Virtual Backpack are not ³Ô¹Ï²»´òìÈ publications and are being provided as a courtesy to inform you of other community activities and opportunities available.
Backpack FAQ’s
For Viewers
- What is the ³Ô¹Ï²»´òìÈ virtual backpack? The virtual backpack allows the Des Moines Public School District to distribute school and community information electronically to parents, staff, and students.
- Can I subscribe to the ³Ô¹Ï²»´òìÈ virtual backpack? Not yet. However, we have linked the virtual backpack to all of our school web sites and a mobile-friendly version is available through the ³Ô¹Ï²»´òìÈ mobile app.
For Distributors
- Can I submit an event? If you are a part of a school-sponsored, school-affiliated, school-supported, or nonprofit organization – yes! This includes camps, sports leagues and artistic opportunities, as well as community services that support our students and their families.
- Does my flyer need a disclaimer? Yes! All flyers (excluding school or district-affiliated flyers) must include the following disclaimer: “This is not a ³Ô¹Ï²»´òìÈ activity. The district shares this information as a courtesy to create awareness of community opportunities available to our students and their families.”
- Will my event be approved? If your event follows the criteria listed above, it should be approved by the communications department. If it is not, an email will be sent to the listed contact detailing why.
- How long will my information be available on the digital backpack? Information and events may be shared for a maximum of 30 days after approved. An event will expire after its designated date (if it falls within 30 days) and all other information will expire within 30 days of approval and live posting.
- Can I send a paper flyer to students? We encourage everyone to use our new paperless system, as it is more accessible to all members of our school community. Schools may decide to share a paper flyer for something specific to their students.
- NOTE: Nearly a quarter of all ³Ô¹Ï²»´òìÈ students are classified as ELL (English Language Learner). In the interests of reaching as many of them and their families as possible, you may want to consider promoting your event/activity in multiple languages.